If you have a complaint about the Trust, we want to hear about it and we will do our best to put it right.

Our complaints procedure has the following goals:

  • To deal with complaints fairly, efficiently and effectively;

  • To ensure that all complaints are handled in a consistent manner throughout;

  • To increase performance and satisfaction;

  • To use complaints constructively in the planning and improvement of the Trust.

Who can complain?

Anyone who is:

  • Receiving a grant from the Trust;

  • Caring for someone who has a complaint about the handling of the process.

How to complain

Normally we will only consider complaints about incidents that have happened within the previous six months. We may in our discretion extend that time for good reason. The Trust would like to sort out any complaint as soon as possible.

Most complaints can be resolved informally. In the first instance, contact the representative of the Trust who is working with you and they will try to resolve the matter. Alternatively, the Clerk's email may be used as the initial contact and the matter passed immediately to the Chair.

If you are not satisfied or do not wish an informal solution, you may pursue a formal complaint. A formal complaint must be made within 28 days of being notified of the outcome of the informal solution. Write down your complaint and send it to the Clerk by post...

The Lionel Abel-Smith Trust
c/o Numbers Limited
32 High Street
Bucks HP22 6EA

...or by email to [email protected].

What happens next?

You will receive acknowledgement of your complaint within 5 working days. You may be contacted to make sure that we have understood your complaint properly. The Chair and Vice-Chair of the Trust will consider the complaint.

You will receive a response to your complaint within 28 working days of its receipt. In all cases, a complaint will be given full and fair consideration. Their response will be final.

Record of complaints

A register of all complaints will be kept.

Updated: 9 February 2024